Collecting roadkill
Our collaborators might be interested in collecting wild animals that have died of natural causes or due to an accident. These carcasses can be used to investigate a number of different questions, from monitoring chemical pollution to dietary analyses.
If it is safe for you to stop, please consider collecting the carcasses of the following animals:
Cardiff University Otter Project relies on reports of carcasses by members of the public and organisations such as the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, UK Wildlife Trusts, the police and local authorities.
Found a dead otter in England? Please telephone 03708 506506 (Environment Agency)
Found a dead otter in Wales? Please telephone 0800 807060 (Natural Resources Wales)
Found a dead otter in Scotland? Please telephone 01471 822487 (International Otter Survival Fund)
When calling the EA or NRW, please ask for your nearest conservation / biodiversity officer.
You will be asked for the location of the otter and some other basic information. Coordinating organisations will complete a recording form for all dead otters, please be ready with key information including the exact location and date when the otter was found (see our completed example form with the most essential information about the casualty highlighted in yellow).
If you would like to contact Cardiff University Otter Project directly, please call 02920 874046, or email Heather or Rob.
Birds of prey
The Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) quantifies the concentrations of chemical contaminants of concern in the tissues of predatory and fish-eating birds in Britain to help determine the risk these pollutants may pose to individual birds and on their populations.
If you find a dead bird of prey please telephone 01524 595830 or visit the PBMS website for more information. You will be provided with packaging and pay for postage.
The Vincent Wildlife Trust is collecting hair and whisker samples from deceased polecats between January 2024 and December 2025, as part of the National Polecat Survey. Samples collected will be used for future genetic and dietary analyses.
If you have found a dead polecat (or polecat-type animal e.g. polecat-ferret or feral ferret) and would like to collect samples please contact VWT at enquiries@vwt.org.uk for instructions and a survey form. Key additional information includes photographs, and the animal’s location. Sampling kits (including pre-paid return envelopes) are available at request.
For more information about the National Polecat Survey 2024-2025 visit https://www.vwt.org.uk/projects-all/national-polecat-survey-2024-2025/
Other animals
Please check WILDCOMS for information on the latest schemes collecting dead wildlife for research and monitoring.